What Can You Give a Dog for a Cough

A sick pug with a mask on.
A sick pug with a mask on. Photography past WilleeCole Photography / Shutterstock.

Kennel Coughing Handling: 4 Home Remedies for Kennel Cough

Ah, kennel coughing. Information technology'south like the common cold for canines! So, can you treat kennel coughing at home? Try these home remedies for kennel cough.

Are there any home remedies for kennel cough? Really, kennel cough is not that different from any cough yous'd get yourself as part of the ordeal nosotros phone call the common common cold — and it and so happens that the abode remedies for kennel cough listed below work beautifully on humans, too. Of grade, contact your vet before you endeavour whatsoever of these home remedies for kennel coughing and call him immediately if your dog's kennel cough persists or worsens.

home remedies for kennel cough
Probiotics are amid the home remedies for kennel cough. Photography by WebSubstance/Thinkstock.

1. Add probiotics to your dog's diet

Besides being fantabulous for oral and digestive wellness, probiotics make this list of home remedies for kennel coughing since these benign leaner do wonders to support the immune organisation. This is critical when treating kennel cough, which could hands progress to life-threatening pneumonia if left untreated. Be sure to give your canis familiaris a probiotic supplement fabricated for dogs, such as Pet Dophilus past Jarrow.

And if your vet has prescribed a grade of antibiotics for your domestic dog (which is a common veterinary procedure in treating kennel cough), be sure to wait at least two hours after administering the antibiotic before giving the probiotic, or the two volition abolish each other out and healing won't happen.

2. Effort treating your dog's cold with love

The antibacterial belongings of this production of decorated bees' labors is truly astonishing, which is why dear lands itself on the list of domicile remedies for kennel cough. I requite sick dogs one tablespoon twice daily until their coughs are cured; it also works to convalesce the nasal discharge that accompanies kennel cough.

For maximum do good, be sure to select a homegrown dear that's not produced in China, ideally a raw dear such as my favorite brand, Really Raw Dear, which comes topped with a "cap" of pollen, propolis and honeycomb. Dogs love this chewy mixture — mine go nuts for it.

There are some dos and don'ts to giving your canis familiaris honey, though. See them all hither >>

3. You lot can care for kennel cough with coconut oil

Dogster has extolled the virtues of kokosnoot oil for dogs earlier, and its amazing antiviral property is especially helpful as i of the domicile remedies for kennel coughing, which is caused by the Bordetella virus. Give 2 teaspoons daily until the cough is cured.

Pour it over Spot'due south food bowl or just let her lick it right off the spoon — being congested volition suppress her appetite, merely a whiff of this oil'south rich, fragrant aroma will become her rima oris watering over again.

iv. Cinnamon can help treat kennel cough

Cinnamon for dogs is some other swell dietary supplement. This essential spice-cabinet staple is safe to sprinkle liberally over your canis familiaris's nutrient basin whatsoever time of year, just it's particularly adept as ane of the home remedies for kennel cough. Like coconut oil, cinnamon is as well antiviral, so get ahead and milkshake half a teaspoon of it over Spot's food. Wait for Ceylon Cinnamon, which is especially fragrant.

Tell u.s.: Accept you lot helped your hound through a tour of kennel coughing? What home remedies for kennel cough do yous suggest? Delight share in the comments!

Wondering what causes kennel cough in the first place? Find out the causes of kennel cough here >>

Superlative photo: WilleeCole Photography / Shutterstock.

This piece was originally published in 2012.

Read Next: Domestic dog Coughs Later Drinking — What's Going On

44 thoughts on "Kennel Cough Treatment: 4 Dwelling Remedies for Kennel Cough"

  1. My dog is coughing and has infection in her optics! I tin can't give her annihilation as she is very former and, since existence hurt past a groomer!, won't let u.s.a. do anything without threatening to seize with teeth! I am taking her to the vet in iv days when I have a little coin. Any tips on getting the beloved and kokosnoot oil downwardly a picky picky doggo?

  2. I have added 93%MCT Coconut Oil to my domestic dog'due south water bowl for years and squirt information technology into his moisture claret in the evening meals forth with Turmeric, and he gets Ceylon Cinnamon in his morning cereal. He but came downwardly with the cough and I simply finished giving him ane/2 TBS of Manuka Dearest in a piddling warm water forth with Immune Booster tablets. Astonishing they can still contract this stuff when high quality Kokosnoot Oil, Turmeric and Cinnamons are already in his system. I e'er administer allowed system booster whenever in that location is any sign of distress within. I volition attempt to get back here and let you know how long it takes for the honey to work effectively.

  3. Hello i have 2 yrs old shih tzu and she had a kennel cough we already went to the vet to ask for medicine for her but seems similar its not working. She keeps on coughing and sometimes having a hard time to breath is in that location any communication that you guys can requite for natural remedies that is safe and 100% constructive than the vet medicine? Delight help its already a calendar week since she have it but likewise worried for my infant!!!!

  4. All very skillful ideas I'll effort this at present thanks very much stay well and safe regards a dog lover

  5. I just brought in two 2 year onetime rescues with bad coughs. After reading this I just gave them each a spoonful of kokosnoot oil. I volition add it to their food from now on. Thank you.

  6. Pingback: Kennel Cough Handling — 4 Home Remedies for Kennel Cough – SkyLinePets

  7. My puppy is thirteen weeks one-time and simply weighs 4 pounds, he's been on antibiotics since I got him at x weeks. They dont seem to be doing very much. Do doses for these home remedies change because of his age and size?

  8. Thanks for you helpful advice. I often use lime and honey, they are also constructive natural healing for my dogs. The Dog Hug

  9. Pingback: Kennel Cough Handling — 4 Home Remedies for Kennel Cough – Pet Defended

  10. Pingback: Kennel Coughing Handling — 4 Habitation Remedies for Kennel Cough • Wustoo

  11. Pingback: Kennel Cough Treatment — 4 Abode Remedies for Kennel Coughing – Pets Equips View

  12. Pingback: Kennel Coughing Handling — 4 Home Remedies for Kennel Cough – The Dog Please

  13. What are the measurement amounts for the honey, cinnamon, and coconut oil.

    Jenny Speigner

  14. My 10 year sometime box, had ACL surgery May 6th 2019. She developed a cough vii mean solar day subsequently. I thought she was coughing up something, and noticed it was white phlegm. She is eating, and drinking and currently taking antibiotics from her surgery. I am wondering if this could be kennel cough?

    1. Same matter with my dog, she started coughing near a week after surgery, i figured could be from the tube down her throat from the anesthesia. I allow her lick dearest from a spoon and havent heard her cough in the final hr. I will give her more than in the morning time.

  15. Pingback: Kennel Cough Treatment — 4 Home Remedies for Kennel Cough – Wellness Guide To Everything

  16. I'm not really certain what to believe but what I do know is through growing up home remedies take worked better and more efficient than medicine nosotros were poor growing upwardly and I was a animate being lover money didn't stop me from trying to salve the and with my mom's knowledge she was able to help me save animals that professional vets said would never make it my cane Corso is showing every sign that you guys accept mentioned and I will definitely attempt these remedies in response to a professional person outlook means aught other than you take schoolhouse behind your cognition and sadly non anybody has the income to pay vet prices and vets never offer whatsoever help or payment plans unless of grade you lot have a huge chunk to pay down or expert credit and then of course through a professional person point giving that advice is more adequate because if more and more than people prove vet intendance is not the only sufficient way to cure something's well vets lose money and it doesn't tale school to effigy that out Thank yous guys for your pointers I volition definitely go along you posted my Shasta is my all-time friend and I have no doubtfulness that this will work

  17. Pingback: Kennel Cough Treatment — 4 Habitation Remedies for Kennel Coughing | Prophecy Update News

  18. Thanks for this not bad information. My dog penny had adult this strange cough a piffling while back. Nosotros of course visiting the vet merely really didn't get the trouble solved. I will endeavour some of these "home remedies" straight away and report back on how well they do!

  19. Tin I use regular cinnamon? I tin can not discover the Ceylon cinnamon anywhere locally.

    1. Yes, it's ok to use regular cinnamon, however Ceylon is best. I ordered mine thru Amazon.

  20. Honey works! Phew! I did not want to pay for a vet visit. This worked perfectly, and Ace (yellow lab) loved the honey. Very pleased with this inexpensive and effective method; information technology took a few days, but information technology soothed him and completely eliminated his kennel cough.

    1. That honey DOES work wonders! My PomChi started with this dry, hacking cough similar she was trying to cough something up. It was constant for a couple of hours. I'one thousand panicking by at present, and I ran beyond the article and immediately tried to requite it to her…she'south no fan of dear by the style! So I mixed it with plain yogurt and she LOVES it! No more coughing give thanks God! All in a couple of days she was fine. Her cough had subsided by the 2d day.

  21. So Claudia, are you saying that all these testimonials I've read are all just a temporary set and not a cure? Then in other words, using the 3 ingredients: honey, coconut oil, & cinnamon is non the way to go in curing kennel cough? No affair what we retrieve it is we need to seek professional help?

  22. These audio like nice things for helping relieve the symptoms. But kennel coughing is an upper respiratory infection. Very contagious! And it tin can quickly turn into pneumonia and lead to death. Please consult your vet to go proper meds.
    Not all coughs are kennel cough, but if your dog actually has kennel cough he/she will need antibiotics. This is a critical issue and shouldn't be dealt with at abode.
    I'one thousand a veterinary professional. Delight consult your vet

    1. I did consult my vet. They recommended Manuka honey. They are against the automated prescription of antibiotics, and do non want to run into my Spaniel unless her condition deteriorates.

    2. How-do-you-do Claudia,

      Kennel cough is actually a drove of different ailments that get labeled as 'kennel cough.' Many of them are actually viral, so not a bacterial infection, therefore antibiotics exercise nothing other than to weaken the immune system by destroying the good leaner, making recovery that much slower for the brute, also leaving their immune organisation compromised for many weeks, and sometimes even months afterward the taking the drugs.

      Also, at that place is no need for a 'cure' for kennel cough, as it will resolve on its own, provided that the fauna is nourished properly and allowed adequate rest and fresh, make clean water to drink. Herbalists and naturopaths cannot claim cure, although we do know that these natural remedies work! Too, as the article says, kennel cough is merely like a doggy cold! Non many of us die from a common cold, now exercise we…

      I used to foster dogs for a rescue group, and nearly every dog came to me with kennel cough. I saw the dogs that were with other fosters and were given the meds prescribed by the vet, and nigh all of them took two or three weeks to recover. I decided to dig into my herbal medicine kit, cantankerous referencing for prophylactic for dogs, and tried a mix of a couple herbs I grow, and added some goldenseal root excerpt making an herbal tea for the dogs. Nearly every concluding i of my fosters was over the awful hacking cough within about 3 to 5 days, other than one particularly tough case, as the dog was emaciated and her immune system was a disaster, not to mention she was covered with ticks, and she recovered from kennel cough with no antibiotics or pharmaceuticals at all in about a week and a half using the herbal tea.

      Honey, especially manuka, has some amazing healing properties, and it does wonders for the allowed arrangement of both dogs, and humans. Works great on cuts and wounds as well.

      Suffice it to say, don't doubt the power of nature when information technology comes to healing! The herbs and plants were here long earlier big pharmaceuticals were, and people and animals have managed to go forth all that time before they got here, right? 😉 Past the way, I am an beast naturopath, and do have training in natural and herbal remedies, and can attest to the fact that they do work, and without the toxins and damage of pharmaceuticals.

      1. I would love to know what your herbal tea mix was if at all possible.

    3. Claudia,
      You must not be a very informed vetrinary professional as antibiotics will practice very little to cypher for kennel cough. The remedies listed in this commodity are almost the best treatment I have been able to come across for kennel coughing, and I take treated hundreds of cases. I think this is a wonderfully helpful article for people to treat their dogs who are suffering, every bit the cough is tough to listen to and, for me, when my pups are ill it is just like when my kids are ill, so thanks again!

  23. I have six shihtzus one adult kennel cough later on a trip to to groomers. Every bit information technology is highly infectious within a day or so the next dog had it only I gave them raw pineapple chunks throughout the twenty-four hours???? which is also what I requite my children if they take a sore throat or cough equally information technology is stronger than any antibiotic. And 2 spoons a day of organic baby honey cough medicine. Within 2 1/2 weeks my firm was kennel cough free.

  24. Will this help my yorkie I got her from s breeder and she has kennel cough plus she's carry babies

    1. Hullo there,

      Thanks for reaching out! We suggest contacting your vet to encounter what is best for your Yorkie.

  25. This my 2nd fourth dimension using this recipe. I use all 3 together. I also treat both pups if one shows signs. Both of my pups take had the vaccine and they both have had it. Information technology should be called death cough,its a cough similar no other. This time I'grand puzzled how she got information technology. Absolutely no contact with any other dog for iii+ weeks. Wondering if she could have gotten information technology from public walking .Thanks and then much. Peace & Soul,Dierdre

    1. Hi there,
      So distressing to hear your pup is feeling nether the weather. We suggest working with your vet to relieve your dog's kennel cough. This article might provide some further insight also:

    2. Sometimes kennel cough can be recurring if triggered by stress – even if the dog has no contact with other dogs

  26. Thanks for your advice. I used a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Makuna honey, 6 Blueberries and cooked broccoli spears. I gave him this 4 times a day and through the night if he was coughing. It definately worked. Information technology calmed the cough right down and information technology additional his allowed system to help fight the infection.

    His nose is now wet through after being bone dry for a few days.

  27. Thank you!! Honey help my dog is sleeping similar a baby;)

  28. Hullo! I have a handsome puppy named Huey. He is 14 weeks old and had a dry out frequent coughing. The cough started about 7pm terminal night. I watched him for awhile hoping information technology would stop but he started shaking, vomiting and hacking every 2mins.

    I was worried and clueless on my next steps. I took him to a local veterinarian emergency infirmary, signed all the initial paperwork and learned that it would cost me 91 dollars simply for walking in. If he got diagnosed information technology would be over 100 bucks. I apace left.

    I gave Huey some recommend Robetussian before bed. This was a difficult job. He refused it initially when I put information technology in his food bowl. Then I tried soaking information technology in bread and finally I added some peanut butter to the staff of life. He ate near of information technology. He was hacking, dry out coughing and vomiting throughout the night.

    I crate Huey during the day considering I work. I was lucky to find this site early this morning. I looked in the cupboard and pulled out the Dear, Coconut Oil and Cinnamon. I went to buy some chicken breast and mix the other ingredients. He loved it! He licked his bowl after each serving.

    It'due south now 4:xxx and he is not hacking. His dry out coughing and sneezing is hourly. Yay! I'chiliad convinced this outcome is considering of the ingredients included on this site. Huey and I thank you!

    1. Happy to assistance! Please go along an eye on Huey and make sure he continues to progress positively. Hope he feels ameliorate!

  29. corina colson, sault ste. marie, ontario, canada

    new – merely brought home 1 calendar week ago spayed blue heeler female domestic dog 8 months and she had kennel cough. went on your web site and found natural remedy honey and kokosnoot oil. we had raw honey from subcontract and 100% virgin kokosnoot oil, which we used for cooking.

    we gave her 1 teaspoon mixed with both beloved and kokosnoot oil 3 to 4 x per day until it well-nigh cleared upwardly, meaning no coughing then nosotros gave her ane teaspoon of beloved only iii x per day until the sneezing stopped. now she has no cough and no sneezing. this was given to her first thing in morning on empty breadbasket, at noon earlier her meal and then again before her supper/dinner and around 8 at night when she was cough and sneezing lots. just wanted to thanks very much for your info on honey and coconut oil for kennel coughing. information technology does piece of work and dog Bella is feeling fine at present. thank you once more.

    1. I have a 7 calendar week old blue pit and boxer mix and I think he has the kennel cough. He keeps coughing and nothing is coming up simply he acts like there is something suck in his pharynx. What can I do plz help me I'one thousand scared…

  30. I fabricated mixed coconut oil, Cinnamon and honey from our apriary into a mixture to treat my dogs kennel cough. I gave them 1 tablespoon each and they are quite and sleeping like babies. Thanks for a great article to naturally healing our doggies.

    1. I took my dog into a hot steaming shower room only like I did with my babies when they had croup.

  31. Pingback: Kennel Cough Handling — four Calm Remedies for Kennel Cough – Dog Couture State

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Source: https://www.dogster.com/dog-health-care/home-remedies-for-kennel-cough

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