Ive Mastered the Art of Standing So Still Im Invisible

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 89.jpg

A collection of quotes of Drax the Destroyer, a fellow member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


  • 1 Movies
    • 1.one Guardians of the Galaxy
      • 1.1.ane Spoken by Drax
      • 1.1.ii Dialogue
      • ane.1.3 Promotional
    • ane.2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
      • 1.two.ane Spoken by Drax the Destroyer
      • one.2.2 Dialogue
    • 1.iii Avengers: Infinity War
      • 1.3.one Spoken by Drax
      • i.3.2 Dialogue
    • 1.4 Avengers: Endgame
      • 1.4.ane Spoken past Drax
      • 1.4.2 Spoken nearly Drax


Guardians of the Galaxy

Spoken by Drax

"I like your knife; I'k keeping it."
―Drax the Destroyer[src]
"This is no respectable institution. What do you expect united states of america to practise while we expect?"
―Drax the Destroyer[src]
"Nobody talks to my friends like that."
―Drax the Destroyer to Nebula[src]


"You know who I am, yes?"
"You're Drax, The Destroyer."
"And you know why they call me this."
"You slayed dozens of Ronan'south minions."
"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Kamaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed! Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family, I shall kill one of his in render."
―Drax the Destroyer and Moloka Dar[src]
"His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna become over his head."
"Nada goes over my head. My reflexes are likewise fast. I would catch it."
―Rocket Raccoon and Drax[src]
"Finger on pharynx means decease!"
Drax kills Korath"
"Sort of."
―Drax and Star-Lord[src]
"I just wanted to tell y'all how grateful I am that you lot've accustomed me despite my blunders. Information technology is good to in one case once more exist amongst friends. You lot, Quill, are my friend."
"This dumb tree is also my friend."
[Groot grunts]
"And this green whore is likewise..."
"Oh, you must stop!"
―Drax, Star-Lord and Gamora[src]
"What if someone does something deadening, and I decide to remove his spine?"
"That's... that'due south really murder, one of the worst crimes of all. Too illegal."
―Drax and Rhomann Dey.[src]
"I look around at the states, you know what I see? Losers. I mean like, folks who have lost stuff. And we take, man, we have, all of united states of america. Our homes, our families, normal lives. And usually life takes more than it gives, but not today. Today it's giving united states of america something. It is giving us a chance."
"To exercise what?"
"To give a shit, for once, not run abroad. I for one am not gonna stand by and watch as Ronan wipes out billions of lives."
"But Quill, stopping Ronan, it'southward impossible. Y'all're asking us to die."
"Yeah, I judge I am. I-"
"Quill. I have lived nearly my life surrounded past my enemies, I volition exist grateful to die among my friends."
"You are an honorable man, Quill. I will fight abreast you lot. And in the finish, see my wife and girl again."
"I am Groot."
"What the hell, I ain't got that long of a life span anyway. At present I'one thousand continuing, you all happy? Nosotros're all standing up now. Bunch of jackasses standing in a circle."
―Peter Quill, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora and Groot[src]


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Spoken by Drax the Destroyer

"Dice spaceship!"
―Drax the Destroyer[src]


"There are ii types of beings in the universe. Those who dance, and those who do not."
"I go it, yes. I'm a dancer, Gamora is not."
"Yous simply need to notice a woman who is pathetic, like you."
"Cheers, buddy."
―Drax the Destroyer and Star-Lord[src]
"She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret!"
"Dude. C'mon, I recall you're overreacting a petty scrap."
"You must be and then embarrassed!"
―Drax the Destroyer and Star-Lord[src]
"How did you go to this weird dumb planet?"
"Ego found me in a larva country. Orphaned on my abode earth. He raised me by mitt and kept me equally his ain."
"And then you're a pet?"
"I suppose."
"People ordinarily want cute pets. Why would he keep such a hideous 1?"
"I am hideous?"
"You are horrifying to look at. But that's a practiced thing."
"When you lot're ugly and someone loves yous, you know they honey you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust."
"Well, and so I am certainly grateful to be ugly!"
"Those pools, they remind me of when I took my daughter to the forgotten reaches of my homeworld. She was similar you."
―Drax and Mantis[src]
"I created what I imagined biological life to be like. Down to the virtually infinitesimal detail. "
"Did yous make a penis?"
"What is wrong with you?"
"If he'southward a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her."
"I don't need to hear how my parents..."
"Why? My male parent would tell the story of impregnating my mother every wintertime solstice."
"That's icky."
"It was cute. You earthers accept hang-ups."
"Yep, Drax, I got a penis."
"Thank yous."
"And information technology'south not half bad."
―Ego, Drax the Destroyer, Star-Lord and Gamora[src]
"Show time, A-holes! it volition be here whatever infinitesimal."
"And information technology will be its last."
"I thought your thing was a sword?"
"We've been hired to terminate an inter-dimensional beast from feeding on those batteries and I'm going to stop it with a sword?"
"It's merely... swords were your thing and guns were mine, merely... I judge we're both doing guns at present. I just didn't know that."
"Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's Aero-Rigs?"
"It hurts."
"I have sensitive nipples."
"Wa-ha-ha-ha! My nipples hurt! Oh, goodness me!"
"What about him, what's he doing?"
"I'm finishing this then we can listen to tunes while we work."
"How is that of import?"
"Blame Quill, he's the one who loves music so much!"
"No, I actually agree with Drax on this, that's hardly important right now."
"Oh, ok, certain Quill"
"No, seriously, I side with Drax."
"I understand that, your being very serious correct now."
"I can clearly come across you winking!"
"Dam, I'm using my left eye?"
"I am Groot."
"They were non looking at you lot funny. Oh, well that'southward intense."
"Groot, go out of the way your going to become injure! Oh, hi!"
"No, no! Spit it out! Come on! That's icky!"
"The animate being's hibernate is too thick to be pierced from the outside! I must cutting through information technology from the inside."
"What? No, Drax! Drax!"
"What's he doing?!"
"He said that the peel is to thick to be pierced on the outside so..."
"That doesn't make whatever sense!"
"I tried telling him that!"
"Skin has the same level of thickness on the inside equally it is on the outside!"
"I realize that!"
"There'south a cut on its neck! Rocket, get it to await up!".
"Alright, yous giant sea monkey, upwardly hither! Whoa, watch it Quill!"
"Yes! I have single-handedly vanquished the creature! What?"
―Guardians of the Galaxy[src]
"Out of the style, dumber, smaller Groot!"
"I told you something didn't feel right!"
"'I told y'all so.' That'southward actually what I need right now."
"I came back, didn't I?"
"Considering in that location's an unspoken thing."
"There is no unspoken thing."
"What are you doing? Yous could accept killed us all crashing in here like that!"
"Uh, 'Thank yous, Rocket'?"
"We had it under control."
"We did non. That is simply an extension of his true cocky. He will be dorsum soon."
"What'due south Smurfette doing hither!?"
"Back rubs, dishes, killing gods, any I need to do to get a damn ride home."
"She tried to murder me!"
"I saved you, yous stupid trick."
"He's not a pull a fast one on."
"I am Groot."
"I'1000 not a raboon either!"
"I am Groot."
"'Raccoon,' whatever!"
"How do we kill a Celestial?"
"There's the centre to him - his encephalon, his soul, whatever it is, in some sort of beat out..."
"Information technology'southward in the caverns below the surface."
"If he'southward got that fin back, I am so screwed."
―Drax, Gamora, Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Mantis, Nebula and Groot[src]

Avengers: Infinity War

Spoken past Drax


"How is this dude still alive?"
"He'due south non a dude. You're a dude. This is a human being. A handsome, muscular man."
"Information technology's like his muscles are made of kryptonite fibers..."
"Stop massaging his muscles!"
―Star-Lord, Drax and Gamora[src]

"Where we have to get is Nidavellir."
"That's a made upwards word."
"All words are made-up."
―Thor and Drax[src]

"Dude, how long accept yous been there?"
"An hour."
"An 60 minutes?"
"Are you serious?"
"I've mastered the ability of standing and then incredibly still, that I become invisible to the eye. Watch."
"You're eating a Zargnut."
"But my motion... is and so dull... that it'southward ephemeral."
"Mmm, no."
"I'm sure I'yard invisible."
"Hello, Drax."
―Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora and Mantis[src]

Avengers: Endgame

Spoken by Drax

Spoken about Drax


Source: https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Drax_the_Destroyer/Quote

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